International Shipping Tips: Our Guide to Shipping Worldwide


Shipping costs can significantly impact the profitability of an eCommerce business. By implementing effective strategies to reduce shipping expenses, businesses can optimize their operations and improve their bottom line. In this article, we will explore several strategies that can help eCommerce businesses lower their shipping costs without compromising on customer satisfaction.

Negotiate Shipping Rates

Establish relationships with shipping carriers and negotiate favorable shipping rates. Leverage your shipping volume, explore discounts, and compare rates from multiple carriers to secure the best possible pricing. Consider partnering with a third-party shipping aggregator or fulfillment provider, like First Mile, that offers competitive rates for eCommerce businesses.

Optimize Packaging

Packaging plays a crucial role in shipping costs. Optimize packaging materials to strike a balance between product protection and dimensional weight. Utilize lightweight yet durable materials and right-size packaging to avoid excessive dimensional weight charges. Implement packaging guidelines and train your staff to ensure consistency and efficiency.

Use Regional Carriers

Consider working with regional carriers or local courier services for shorter-distance shipments. Regional carriers often provide competitive rates for local or regional deliveries, which can help reduce shipping costs, especially for nearby customers. Compare the pricing and services offered by regional carriers alongside larger shipping providers to find the most cost-effective solution.

Implement Order Consolidation

Consolidating multiple orders into a single shipment whenever possible can lead to significant cost savings. This approach reduces the number of packages and overall shipping charges. Use order management systems or software that can identify and consolidate orders going to the same destination, optimizing efficiency and reducing shipping costs.

Offer Free Shipping Thresholds

Implementing free shipping thresholds can incentivize customers to increase their order value, offsetting shipping costs. Set a minimum order value for customers to qualify for free shipping, encouraging them to add more items to their carts. Calculate the threshold carefully to ensure it covers your shipping costs while remaining attractive to customers.

Evaluate Shipping Zones

Analyze your customer base and identify areas where you can adjust shipping zones to reduce costs. Determine if there are regions or zip codes where shipping costs are consistently higher and explore alternative carrier options or negotiate better rates for those specific areas. Optimizing shipping zones can help achieve better cost efficiency.

Consider Hybrid Shipping Solutions

Hybrid shipping solutions, such as combining USPS services with commercial carriers or utilizing fulfillment centers strategically located near your customers, can help reduce shipping costs. These solutions leverage the strengths of different carriers and provide cost-effective options for various shipping scenarios.


Reducing shipping costs is essential for eCommerce businesses to maintain profitability and competitiveness in the market. By negotiating shipping rates, optimizing packaging, using regional carriers, implementing order consolidation, offering free shipping thresholds, evaluating shipping zones, and considering hybrid shipping solutions, businesses can effectively lower their shipping expenses. Remember to regularly review and optimize your shipping strategy to adapt to changing market conditions and customer demands. By implementing these cost-saving strategies, eCommerce businesses can enhance their financial health while delivering exceptional value and service to their customers.